An Easter egg hunt is a treasure hunt like none other! There are ways to encourage people of all abilities to partake in this holiday tradition. Here are some adaptive Easter hunt ideas to achieve an inclusion celebration:
1. Embrace Color Cues: Designate a unique Easter egg color for each child to ensure that everyone finds their fair share, especially if hunt participants include children with and without disabilities. To color-code, for example, have Johnny only hunt for the blue eggs and Jane only hunts for the pink eggs.
2. Encourage Sticky Fingers: Easter eggs don’t have to be hidden on the ground. Use tape to stick eggs to walls to keep them accessible for wheelchair users.
3. Do the Bunny Hop Balloon Pop: Tie spring colored balloons and string to eggs. Hunters can grab the string at any level instead of bending down to reach eggs.

4. Beeps For Peeps: Beeping eggs by Maxi Aids are helpful for hunters who are blind or visually impaired.
5. Have Flashy Festivities: Easter eggs by Blinkeez flash and change neon colors which may be optimal for those with vision impairments.
6. Make Baskets Handy-Dandy: Attach/tie Easter baskets directly onto walkers and/or wheelchairs.
7. Be Sensible: Try a DIY upgrade to transform plain plastic Easter eggs into sensory textured eggs. [Note: There are tons of sensory Easter-themed crafts online too!]
8. Use Egg-cellent Alternatives: People who suffer from egg allergies can use wooden, plastic or ceramic eggs, such as eggnots. And for those sensitive to food dyes, try using natural colorants made from produce and spices.
Know of other ways to make Easter hunts more accessible? Share with us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!